NEWS in English
The concentration of the market on China and India:

23 March 2023

Policy considerations

23 March 2023

NEWS in English
Model created by Samuel Martín-Gutiérrez and colleagues captures social division in multiparty democracies. The US could also benefit from it.

16 March 2023

NEWS in English
A recent study makes it clear: Countries like Sweden that can link data from different areas - such as the labor market and health care - have a decisive advantage when it comes to setting targeted actions.

16 March 2023

NEWS in German
Eine aktuelle Studie zeigt deutlich: Länder wie Schweden, die Daten aus verschiedenen Bereichen - etwa dem Arbeitsmarkt und dem Gesundheitswesen - verknüpfen können, haben einen entscheidenden Vorteil, wenn es darum geht, gezielte Maßnahmen zu setzen.

16 March 2023

NEWS in English
Word lists are the basis of so much research in so many fields. Researchers at the Complexity Science Hub have now developed an algorithm that can be applied to different languages and can expand word lists significantly better than others.

13 March 2023

NEWS in English
Securing supply chains, knowing strategic dependencies and proactively shaping sustainable, as well as efficient production networks - with these goals, the Supply Chain Intelligence Institute Austria (ASCII) aims to put the Central European country in a leading role wor...

3 March 2023

NEWS in English
Global knowledge loopholes about supply networks have emerged since the pandemic. The Supply Chain Intelligence Institute Austria (ASCII) should now be able to close these gaps. In an interview, ASCII director and complexity researcher Peter Klimek discusses the origins ...

3 March 2023

NEWS in German
Spätestens seit der Pandemie, traten die globalen Wissenslücken über Liefernetzwerke deutlich zutage. Durch das neue Forschungsinstitut ASCII, gegründet vom Complexity Science Hub, der FH OÖ, dem VNL und dem WIFO, sollen diese nun geschlossen werden. Österreich wird dadu...

3 March 2023

NEWS in German
Lieferketten absichern, strategische Abhängigkeiten verstehen und nachhaltige sowie effiziente Produktionsnetzwerke proaktiv gestalten – mit diesen Zielen nimmt das Supply Chain Intelligence Institute Austria (ASCII) eine weltweite Vorreiterrolle ein. Der Complexity Scie...

3 March 2023