NEWS in English
It's no longer just about stopping, but how we can live with climate change. To figure this out, we must delve into our cultures, as highlighted in a special issue of The Royal Society. A study by the Complexity Science Hub points out how our history could help guide the...

14 September 2023

NEWS in English

31 August 2023

NEWS in German

31 August 2023

NEWS in English
The statistical model identifies links between battles in Africa and can be applied to other armed conflicts, according to a study at the Complexity Science Hub

1 August 2023

NEWS in English
Early malnutrition increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and other diseases later in life. In a recent study, researchers at the Complexity Science Hub and Medical University of Vienna showed this to be true.

20 July 2023

NEWS in English
The transfer of pigs from one place to another poses the risk of spreading infectious diseases. Knowing how holdings (e.g., farms, markets, etc.) are connected is therefore of crucial importance. In a study by the Complexity Science Hub, the University of Veterinary Medi...

5 July 2023

NEWS in German
Die Verbringung von Schweinen stellt ein Risiko bei der Ausbreitung von Infektionskrankheiten dar. Es ist daher von entscheidender Bedeutung zu wissen, wie Betriebsstätten (z.B. Bauernhöfe, Märkte, etc.) miteinander verbunden sind. In einer Studie des Complexity Science ...

5 July 2023

NEWS in German
Ende Mai gewann Recep Tayyip Erdogan die Stichwahl um das Präsidentschaftsamt in der Türkei mit rund 52 Prozent der Stimmen. Nachdem Forschende des Complexity Science Hub bereits beim ersten Urnengang Anzeichen für Wahlmanipulation feststellten, zeigen aktuelle Untersuch...

27 June 2023

NEWS in English
At the end of May, Recep Tayyip Erdogan won the runoff election for the presidency in Turkey with around 52 percent of the vote. After researchers from the Complexity Science Hub found signs of election manipulation in the first round of voting, a current study shows sim...

27 June 2023

NEWS in German
Was die einen für die ideale Öko-Stadt der Zukunft halten, nennen andere einen Werbegag. Forschende des Complexity Science Hub zeigen nun, warum "The Line" kein Vorzeigeprojekt sein sollte. 

22 June 2023