NEWS in German
Forschende des Complexity Science Hub haben 1,2 Millionen kriminelle Vorfälle untersucht und daraus ein innovatives Verfahren entwickelt, um Muster in kriminellen Laufbahnen zu erkennen.

13 November 2023

NEWS in English
Understanding supply networks would have a significant impact: improving supply security, promoting and objectively monitoring of the green transition, strengthening human rights compliance, and reducing tax evasion. International alliances are needed for such an underst...

20 October 2023

NEWS in German
Wer Liefernetzwerke kennt, kann enormen Fortschritt bewirken: die Versorgungssicherheit verbessern, den Grünen Wandel überwachen und fördern, die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte stärken und Steuerhinterziehung reduzieren. Doch dazu braucht es internationale Allianzen, wie ...

20 October 2023

NEWS in German
Digitale Finanzprodukte rücken immer stärker ins Visier von Cyberangriffen. Wie groß das Ausmaß tatsächlich ist, war bis dato nicht bekannt. Forschende des Complexity Science Hub und der Universität Montreal zeigen nun erstmals, dass sich der Schaden global auf mindesten...

16 October 2023

NEWS in English
The Great Resignation appears to be ending, according to economists. But what can companies and leaders learn from the rapid pace of job-quitting in recent years in order to prevent employees from leaving? A study out of the Complexity Science Hub (CSH) pinpoints some of...

13 October 2023

NEWS in English
Digital financial products are increasingly coming under the crosshairs of cyberattacks. However, evidence-based results are not yet available regarding the actual magnitude of this threat. Researchers from the Complexity Science Hub and the University of Montreal have n...

13 October 2023

NEWS in German

22 September 2023

NEWS in English
Not through courts and not through prisons. The only way to reduce violence in Mexico is to cut off recruitment. Increasing incapacitation instead leads to both more homicides and cartel members, researcher Rafael Prieto-Curiel from the Complexity Science Hub and colleag...

22 September 2023

NEWS in German
Diversität steigert den Wohlstand in Städten. Aber wo treffen sich Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen? Eine Studie des Complexity Science Hub zeigt nun, dass Orte, die eine Vielfalt an seltenen Angeboten und Dienstleistungen bieten, der Schlüssel sein können.

19 September 2023

NEWS in English
Diversity fuels prosperity in cities, but where do people from diverse backgrounds meet? A study from the Complexity Science Hub now indicates that locations offering a range of rare shops and services may hold the key.

18 September 2023